Archive for rares

Seek and ye shall find

This is a great tool for searching via location, which works really well for demographic ideas. When blogger went to their new beta platform, that tool went down, much to my consternation. Then around August 7th, I saw this post on the same blog with the tool. So I set out to seeing if I could open up industries.
I refuse to link to the blog or the post that is inspiring me to write this. Suffice it to say that I was proactive in opening up blogless industries when other players were not, and that I upset the status quo by threatening a former (now banned) player’s ranking.

The game has undergone a lot of changes over the past few months. Most of them really good. One of the best changes was to take ultra rare demographic industries and change them to findable ones. The only downside was that some of the original votes cast for those were never purged. I posted in the forums to get this fixed and have now seen that attempt at correction totally twisted into something it is not.

I believe I play this game with integrity. I get really upset when someone impugns my character. Going back to playing the game now.

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Sweet fleeting moment of joy

ideas needed

At this moment, I have all available industries. The four remaining are empty and will always remain so. I’m not the first to achieve this, but that has never mattered to me. The point is I have them all.

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